Orders for delivery and pick-up of these products must be placed no later than 2 p.m. for same-day Express delivery. Any allergies must be communicated at the time the order is placed to ensure quality service.
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For each of your online orders, earn 3% back in AvecPlaisirs Chefs Traiteurs dollars, which you can spend whenever you like.
It's simple, completely free and without obligation!
Express orders for same-day delivery
Gourmet boxes, buffets and coffee breaks designed by our partner chefs
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Exclusive promotions and discounts on your AvecAvantages orders
Are you looking for the right wellness plan for your teams?
Do you want peace of mind when ordering and to create moments of sharing?
By joining our AvecAvantages Executive Program, you'll enjoy free delivery as well as a 5% discount on each of your online orders, which you can spend in AvecPlaisirs Chefs Traiteurs dollars.
Your employees can choose from our vegan Loounie option, healthy Isabelle Huot meals, generous and gourmet RICARDO dishes or Old Port must-haves with Dyan of Olive+Gourmando.
With our personalized support, you'll be sure to be as efficient as possible, and you'll be tempted by our virtual cafeteria.
Discover our executive agreement, specially designed to meet your needs!