Please note that we will be closed on Monday, May 20th. You can order for Tuesday, May 21st, from our online store.

The virtual cafeteria: an asset for your employer branding!



Do you want to reach new heights with your employee wellness plan?

Would you like to give them peace of mind when ordering and create moments of sharing?

Offer them the chance to dine on tasty, fresh dishes from RICARDO and Olive + Gourmando, vegan dishes from LOOUNIE or healthy meals from the renowned Isabelle Huot.

For every meal you order, you'll get up to 5% back in rewards (that could finance your happy hour or holiday party, for example).

Discover our executive agreement, specially designed to meet your needs!

With our personalized support, innovate with our virtual cafeteria!

Do you want to reach new heights with your employee wellness plan?

Are you looking for peace of mind in their orders and to create moments of sharing?


The virtual cafeteria offers:

• Your staff ordering and paying for their own meals online;

$0 delivery fees with an advantageous subscription;

• A unique loyalty program: up to 5% discount. Financing office celebrations has never been easier!

• Immerse yourself in a palette of flavors crafted by renowned chefs such as RICARDO, Olive+Gourmando, Isabelle Huot, Loounie, and our in-house team of enthusiasts;

• Boost your team's energy with meals that are both healthy and delicious;

• The virtual cafeteria is the must-have of tomorrow, available now!


Discover our executive agreement designed specifically for your needs!

With our personalized support, innovate with our virtual cafeteria!

Virtual cafeteriaVirtual cafeteria

You can also contact us:

Vincent Gamet
Sales Representative

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